Cat Care

Cat needs according to their age

Everyone knows that cats have special needs depending on their age and breed. We have prepared this article to help them live a long life happily.

Kittens 0-4 Months – (kitten starter)

Kittens receive vitamins, minerals, nutrients and defense elements from their mothers through milk. When they switch to dry food, they are deprived of the protection from the mother. In order for their body systems to continue their life in a healthy way, they need to be fed balanced and complete in every aspect. Since they are defenseless at this stage, contact with another animal is avoided. It is a fact that household members also carry internal and external risk factors into the home. Therefore, individuals coming from outside should not touch the cat without washing their hands and wearing new, clean clothes.

The house should be clean, tidy and free of objects that the new resident could swallow. Cleaning materials should be chosen from allergen-free and environmentally friendly materials.

Newly adopted cats first undergo an observation period. Internal and external parasite applications (medication, not vaccination) are carried out. During this phase, the cat's activities, body secretions and fecal quality are observed.

Cats get used to the house in approximately 7-10 days and are then subjected to a vaccination schedule if they have no problems. Rabies vaccination is a legal obligation. Other vaccinations are precautions against fatal diseases of cats and are mandatory.

Food should be chosen to meet all the needs of the kittens. Additionally, if your food choice is wrong, another danger we face is fatty liver. Remember that fatty liver disease is an irreversible disease in cats. It can only be slowed down.

Kittens between 4-12 months – (kitten)

Their digestive systems are quite sensitive and their immune systems are not sufficiently developed. It is the phase in which physical and mental development is fastest. Even the games played during this period are effective in determining temperament.

Since kittens cannot retract their nails, it may cause scratches while playing. During this period, rapid changes occur in oral and dental health. It is important to develop the habit of brushing teeth early in order to avoid problems with brushing teeth when you become an adult. Since their teeth are not strong enough, care must be taken to avoid any breaks during play.

If it is a cat with breed-specific diseases; Measures can be taken to address the characteristics of defined diseases. A kitten that is full is happy. A fully and balancedly fed kitten is both happy and healthy.

Adult cats over 1 year old (Adult)

During this period when personal characteristics are established, race-specific or genetically predisposed diseases become visible. Cats are curious creatures. Cats that have just emerged from puberty are more curious creatures. Apart from annual veterinary visits; If any abnormal symptoms such as deterioration in stool health, colored eye discharge, regional or general hair loss, lameness, etc. are observed, a specialist should be consulted immediately.

The nutrition of adult cats directly affects their future health. Improper nutrition during this period can later cause many metabolic diseases.

Neutered cats (Sterilised)

Female cats, ovarian cysts if they do not mate; When they are mated, they face the risk of infectious diseases and pyometra.

The risk of prostate cancer in male cats increases with age. Sterilization is the definitive solution. When mated, they run the risk of infectious diseases like female cats.

After the neutering process, as the hormones return to normal levels, they become more gentle, calm and peaceful.

Fatigue and lower urinary tract problems may occur after the operation, but these problems can be significantly prevented with special nutrition.

Neutered cats should definitely be fed with food suitable for them.

Older cats over 7 years old (Senior)

The age of this universe varies by species. Diabetes, hypertension, kidney failure, liver problems, cirrhosis and a wide variety of diseases can be seen in cats in the senior living section. Vaccination and nutrition are of primary importance to prevent chronic diseases. Afterwards, environmental factors such as the cat's stress level at home, individual and trauma problems, and cleanliness have an impact.

Cats struggle to maintain their health as they get older, and if they are not provided with a balanced and complete diet, the consequences can be distressing. Liver functions weaken and kidneys work slower. The digestive system microflora becomes prone to deterioration.

It is necessary to keep the health status of cats under control by taking them for periodic laboratory tests and examinations. Remember that he is a very lucky cat because he came across you.

cats living at home (indoor)

The needs of cats living at home are not much different from others. The only thing that separates them is space limitation. Since they are inside the house, they cannot spend much energy. If they are not fed properly, weight problems can often occur.

The digestive systems of cats, like other creatures, are directly linked to physical movement. It is important to have a walking movement in order for bowel movements to occur easily. As movement decreases, feces may accumulate in the intestine and constipation may occur. Diarrhea occurs when there is inability to benefit from water due to insufficient bowel movements and light-coloured liquid stools appear.

The digestive system is of great importance for health. If it does not work correctly, the consequences can be severe. Nutrition should be adjusted according to the cat's temperament and breed characteristics. Cats living at home should be given easily digestible food since they are inactive. In case of a weight problem, food that is low in calories but has meticulously prepared content that will not leave out the needs while reducing calories should be used.