- For Cats
- For Dogs
- Health – Care – Education
Additional Nutrients
The nutritional supplements we have prepared to support the cognitive and motor skills of our pet friends and help them live a long life in happiness have been specially formulated to meet the needs of our pet friends.
- Bird / Rodent
Natura EyeCare – 50 Ml
Natura EyeCare is a specially prepared solution formulated to remove the tear stains of our pet friends and to clean the stains caused by tear discharge around the eyes.
It helps you gently clean your cat and dog's tear stains and burrs from around the eyes. It gives shine to the hairs around the eyes with the Dimethicon it contains. It prevents the recurrence of tear stains with regular use. With the Aloe Vera extract it contains, it cleans and repairs the skin of cats and dogs with sensitive skin.
Usage Suggestion:
Using the product's special dropper, a small amount of Natura EyeCare is dropped onto a cotton swab, gauze or cotton piece and the stained, dirty areas around the eye are gently wiped. A separate cotton swab, gauze or cotton should be used for cleaning around each eye. Care should be taken to prevent the product from coming into contact with eyes during cleaning. After application, the application site should be dried with a clean gauze or cotton. To remove existing stains, application should be made 3 times a day for 1 week. It should be used regularly 1-2 times a week to prevent stain formation afterwards. The application should be discontinued if irritation occurs. In persistent and serious cases, a veterinarian should be consulted.